Wairoa Young Achievers Grants
Our Young Achievers Grant fund is always open for applications.
Applications are considered on a case by case basis and decisions are usually made within 2 weeks of application submission. Our trust administrator will notify applicants of the outcome using the contact details provided in your application.
Who can apply for Funding Assistance
- Primarily funds will be distributed to individuals or groups within the Wairoa District. However, where special circumstances can be demonstrated that show a strong benefit to Wairoa, the trust in its sole discretion may consider a distribution outside of the Wairoa District.
- Applicants should be aged up to 24 years although special circumstances will be considered.
- Priority will be given to applicants who, for the purpose of these grants, are considered to be ‘young achievers’. These are young people who are seeking funding support to ‘step-up’, beyond representing their district. Examples could include: a young person selected for a regional sports team; an orator selected to speak at a national contest; a dancer selected to compete/perform at an international event.
What the funds CAN be used for
- Funds are to be used by applicants for the specific purposes outlined in the grant application. Costs could include: travel; accommodation; registration or entry fees; uniforms; training costs; and formal functions associated with a particular activity.
Applications will NOT be accepted for
- Purchase or subsidy of food, alcohol, cigarettes or vapes.
- Costs associated with staging functions.
- Events which could be viewed as mainly social in nature or family activities.
- An activity that will result in commercial gain for any individual or organisation.
- Retrospective grants for expenses that have already been incurred by the applicant may be considered in some instances and at the sole discretion of the trust.
- Groups or individuals standing for election to public office.
- Lobby groups or action/pressure groups (e.g. Greenpeace, or Sensible Sentencing Trust).
- Commercial gain.
- Trustees may request extra information be provided with your application.
- In some instances the trustees may choose to pay invoices direct to suppliers.
- Decisions regarding applications are at the Trustees discretion, no correspondence will be entered into.
Accountability Reporting
- Providing an accountability report is mandatory. Please use attached form.
- Please attach receipts for all project/event expenses along with this accountability report submission.
- Reports are due 2 weeks after the completion of your project/event.
- Failure to provide an accountability report will result in future applications being automatically declined.
- If funds are not spent for intended use as per application trustees may request the grant be returned.
DISCLAIMER: The collection and use of the information provided as part of the grant application process is for the purpose of carrying out grant services. All information is stored securely and in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Privacy Statement related to grants. For more information or to report a suspected breach please contact our Privacy Officer at privacy@wyat.co.nz.