Project Description


The Wairoa Young Achievers Trust has been involved in initiating and collaborating on a range of projects to support and strengthen individuals and agencies in Wairoa.

Groups that are not legally constituted need an umbrella group if they wish to apply for funding.  The Trust has provided support for and on behalf of a number of local groups and individuals.  Projects in recent times have included:

Rangi-houa / Pilot Hill Access Project:

The Wairoa Young Achievers Trust obtained $20,000 from the Walking Access Commission’s Enhanced Access Fund to complete a walkway providing improved access to the Rangi-houa / Pilot Hill area.  The area was once a popular local reserve and observation point for locals and visitors alike.


Wairoa Ross Shield:

The Young Achievers Trust is the umbrella agency for Wairoa Ross Shield, a rugby club for children of all ages up to and including Year Eight or age 12.  Club members facilitate local rugby coaching, refereeing and training and coordinate Ross Shield event hosting arrangements locally as well as fielding the representative team for annual regional Ross Shield tournaments.  Wairoa Ross Shield also facilitates the combining of individual rural and town school players to create composite teams whenever a club or school has insufficient numbers to field their own team.

In 2014 Wairoa hosted the annual tournament, welcoming approximately 5000 visitors to the town throughout the week. This was a huge event for the district and an opportunity to showcase the newly upgraded Lambton Square facilities (see below).


Lambton Square Upgrade:

The Wairoa Young Achievers Trust raised $100,000 to assist with the upgrade of facilities at Lambton Square in time for the annual Ross Shield tournament which Wairoa hosted in October 2014.

The Lambton Square upgrade was a project that this community had been working towards for a long time and the recent improvement to facilities means it can once again provide a much-needed hub for sport and recreation. The environment at Lambton Square is now safe and accessible and it can continue to be a well-used and valued community asset.

Wairoa welcomed almost 5000 visitors to the week-long regional Ross Shield event and the home side, along with their supporters, had a venue they could be extremely proud of.


Wairoa Christmas Parade and Concert:

The Wairoa Young Achievers Trust has supported the revitalisation of the Wairoa Christmas Parade and concert. The first was held in 2013 and the trust continued its fundraising support for the 2014 and 2015 events.


Sir James Carroll Walkway:

The Wairoa Young Achievers Trust supported signage for the Sir James Carroll Walkway. This project involved young people who are part of the NEET/YP/YPP programmes. The young people enjoyed work experience and gained NZQA credits.


Wairoa Athletics Club:

The Wairoa Young Achievers Trust supported the re-birth and administration of the Wairoa Athletics Club. Hundreds of young local athletes now call Lambton Square home, with the club growing significantly each season. In late 2015 the club had grown to a point where the committee felt is what ready to become a stand-alone entity and take control of its own fundraising and administration.